
Spring DIY Classes/ Prayer Bowl

  • Has una elección
- $0.00

It is time to get creative again!!

Cross & Payer Bowl

Lets paint this unique Prayer Bowl & a small beautiful wood cross.  You will paint the bowl with a rugged cross or word after your desire,

This cute bowl is perfect to gather your prayers in!


Get creative while you Enjoy a cup of Coffee or Tea with a little snack. (or you are welcome to bring your own refreshments)


Classes will be held on:

Spring Truck: Wednesday & Thursday 03.08 & 03.09.23

Cross & Prayer Bowl Tuesday & Thursday 03.21 & 03.23.23

All days from 6.30- 9.00pm. @ the “Creative Corner” located in

The Flower Pot -308 s Main-Perryton Tx

Let’s get ready for some Me-time/girls night out & let’s have some fun 🤩