On trend display in just minutes! Create a homey & inviting atmosphere with a live green plant in a fun seasonal container, add personalized handcrafted décor to the mix & together with other on point seasonal items, you are sure to have a beautiful display, that will fit anywhere in your home or office.

Your Plant &
Décor Fairy is here

A seasonal botanical décor subscription with a healthy live green plant & beautiful décor, where some of the items are even handcrafted & personalized; made with love,
especially for you!

Shop Now

A Glimpse at our Past Boxes

If Modern Farmhouse style with a touch of Glam,
 is your thing, This box is exactly for you!!

We started with the Fall box & Wow, we sold out fast!
The same thing happened with our Christmas, Valentine & Easter box. Now we are ready for the Summer box.
All boxes are carefully curated especially for you!!

It's a, No Contract-membership,
so you can cancel anytime,
but we hope you will stay for a looong time. 

Your card will be charged with a 60 days interval &
your box will be ready for pick up / shipping
around the 15th. Every Other  month.
Totally there will be 6 boxes /year.

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